Monday, October 4, 2021

What Is App Store Optimization & How Its Important For Your App?

Online presence and visibility have become one of the most crucial elements of marketing for any business. People are so much connected that they want to find everything online. Smartphones have made it even easier to quickly search and download related apps and avail the services or solutions one wants from anywhere in the world. With millions of apps on the app stores (Google Play Store, Apple Store, and so on), businesses need to promote and increase the visibility of their apps so that more and more people can connect with them.

What is App Store Optimization?

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a process of increasing the visibility of your app on the app stores to engage more people and convince them to click on the app details to know more. In simple words, the more your app is visible and ranked higher; the more likely you will get new subscribers daily, weekly, or monthly.

App store optimization services include highlighting the app's features, the products or services it offers, the reviews and rankings based on usage statistics. Similar to Search Engine Optimization, App Store Optimization aims to improve your app's visibility when people try to find apps on the app store. Major factors that determine the quality of your Apps ranking on any app store are:

1.     1- User-friendly keywords

2.     2- App titles that appeal to the audience

3.     3- A crisp and straightforward description of the services offered

4.     4- Existing User reviews

5.     5- Number of downloads

Benefits of ASO

As per data from Google, nearly 40% of apps are found directly on the app store. It means you can expect nearly 40% traffic directly from the app store if your app is ranked higher than the rest of the competition. Higher rankings enable users to develop trust easily, and once they have downloaded your app, they are more likely to stay connected for long durations.

Some of the major benefits, as pointed out by experts in app store optimization services, are:

·         Improved visibility: ASO helps improve visibility, especially when you use the relevant keywords and search terms that lead directly to your app in the search results. The more visibility is, you can expect more downloads.

·         Increase sales: Getting found is just a start. When more and more people subscribe to your services, sales start going up organically. Revenue from apps increases, too, as the rankings and number of downloads improve. Apps with high download rates can earn significantly from other promotional services like displaying ads for other apps.

·         Global outreach: Simply creating an app is not enough if you are not grabbing the attention of the global audience. ASO strategies help in increasing the width and length of your reach, thereby encouraging organic downloads globally.

·         Brand recognition: If you own a business and an app to provide valuable insight on your product and services, people will automatically refer your app to others who might need them. This chain reaction results in organic brand recognition with minimum effort and expenditure on advertising.



App store optimization strategies are helping businesses grow by leaps and bounds, and it is a highly recommended tool for increasing the reach of the business and increasing revenue. If you own a business that provides unique solutions, engaging with your audience with the help of an app is a very effective method of improving brand loyalty. You can always reach out to an app store optimization expert to get valuable insight into achieving favorable results.